Share-Net Colombia

Abortion Self-care / Autosoins de l’avortement / Autocuidado del aborto

English :

What is abortion self-care all about? Why is it so important and how does it support abortion being an effective right for everyone in the world? How can we make this a reality?
These are some of the questions we will seek to address in this space. It is a forum to share the concerns, proposals and understandings that we build from Global Care about abortion self-care as a safe, democratic and practical mechanism for all people in the world.
How does abortion self-care help you in your work as an organization? What doubts do you have about this concept? What challenges do you face today to make abortion self-care a reality in your country? Share in this forum and find out what other realities have to contribute.


Qu’est-ce que l’auto-soin de l’avortement ? Pourquoi est-il si important et comment soutient-il le fait que l’avortement soit un droit effectif pour tout le monde dans le monde ? Comment pouvons-nous faire de cela une réalité ?
Ce sont quelques-unes des questions que nous chercherons à aborder dans cet espace. Il s’agit d’un forum permettant de partager les préoccupations, les propositions et les compréhensions que nous construisons, à Global Care, autour de l’autogestion de l’avortement en tant que mécanisme sûr, démocratique et pratique pour tous les peuples du monde.
Comment l’auto-soin de l’avortement vous aide-t-il dans votre travail en tant qu’organisation, quelles questions vous posez-vous sur ce concept, quels défis rencontrez-vous aujourd’hui pour faire de l’auto-soin de l’avortement une réalité dans votre pays ? Partagez dans ce forum et découvrez ce que d’autres réalités ont à vous offrir.


¿De qué se trata el autocuidado del aborto? ¿Por qué es tan importante y cómo apoya que el aborto sea un derecho efectivo para todas las personas en el mundo? ¿Cómo podemos hacer esto una realidad?

Estas son algunas de las preguntas que buscaremos abordar en este espacio. Es un foro para compartir sobre las inquietudes, propuestas y comprensiones que construimos desde Global Care a propósito del autocuidado del aborto como un mecanismo seguro, democrático y práctico para todas las personas en el mundo.

¿Cómo te ayuda el autocuidado del aborto en tu trabajo como organización? ¿Qué dudas te surgen sobre este concepto? ¿Qué retos enfrentas hoy para hacer del autocuidado del aborto una realidad en tu país? Comparte en este foro y entérate de lo que otras realidades tienen para aportarte.

  • abortion self-care, basically empowers a woman or girl to administer safe abortion drugs without necessarily getting prescription from the health service provider. the concept of abortion self-care empowers the woman to be in charge and make choices for themselves. it is important since it minimizes abortion stigma in the community, it helps to avoid use of crude methods of pregnancy termination like inserting sticks, drinking detergent which can be life threatening. We can engage with policy makers to advocate for self-care but also participate in different platforms where abortion self-care information can be easily disseminated among several implementers for example the Coalition to Stop Maternal Mortality Due to Unsafe Abortion.




  • abortion self-care helps to address issues of long clinic waiting hours since the woman will access their drugs and go home to have the whole process there. issues of attitude are also addressed since there is minimal interaction between the service provider and the client. the challenges rotate around the restrictive environment in the country. drugshop operators fear to have the abortion drugs in fear of the law and even those that have do not observe proper storage and handling of the drug which compromises drug efficacy

  • I think one of the most important actions would be to promote education about the importance of people having access to safe and legal abortion services. In addition, it is important to fight for the reproductive rights of women and pregnant women around the world, including access to quality medical services, the promotion of gender equality and the fight against discrimination. It is also critical to support organizations working for reproductive rights and to enable equal access to medical information and technology. Ultimately, I believe that societal support and the elimination of stigmas are essential to ensure that all people have effective reproductive rights, including the right to abortion.

  • Aborto autogestionado es el término que se usa para describir cuando una persona elige inducir su propio aborto fuera de un entorno médico.

    Cualquiera que decida interrumpir un embarazo debería poder elegir auto gestionarse un aborto en casa o en algún lugar en el que se sienta segura, con el control en sus manos, rodeada de las personas que ama y con el apoyo que necesita. Para la Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar A.C. MEXFAM, la promoción y difusión del aborto autogestionado es central en el trabajo que MEXFAM desarrolla, porque es un eje de la autonomía corporal que a su vez es el propósito al que la organización aporta como cambio social. Para lo cual el derecho a la salud, los derechos sexuales, los derechos reproductivos, la perspectiva de juventud, el reconocimiento a los pueblos originarios, las personas con discapacidad, las distintas expresiones e identidades de género enmarcan el planteamiento para la autonomía corporal a través del aborto autogestionado (AA). Por tanto el AA es un medio y un fin, que en el trabajo de MEXFAM en territorio existen las condiciones para plantearlo a las personas y a las y los representantes de las instituciones públicas que tienen la obligación de garantizar los derechos mencionados.

    La dificultades existentes, son el estigma social e institucional, el desconocimiento de lo que AA es, y el constreñirlo a un abordaje conforme al marco legal existente.

  • Abortion self-care is about providing people with the tools and knowledge to self-manage their own abortion outside of the healthcare system, in their own homes or environment of choice, with minimal need for interaction with the physical healthcare system. There are differing levels to self-care and self-care can exist within the formal healthcare system to varying degrees. The Irish model of care is centred around abortion self-management, in that clients receive the abortion medication from the doctor and return home to self-manage their abortion without further intervention except in cases where issues may arise, and should they avail of a post-abortion check up two weeks later.

    Thus, abortion self-care is embedded in the Irish model of care. However, I would argue that there is a difference between self-management and self care, with self-care transcending self-management and depicting an abortion experience in an enabling and supportive environment with empowering, accessible, stigma-free, information and necessary, accessible, non-judgmental supports available should they be needed.

    The main limitation I see inherent in the self-care movement is that it is not suitable for everyone. Some people may need extra support in this time and may not have this support available in their home-life. The health care system has a responsibility to provide additional supports to such individuals in order to ensure quality of care for the diversity of people seeking abortion services. Inherent in the Irish model of care is the assumption that every person has a safe home to self-manage their abortion in, but we know very well that this is not the case. Self-care is a wonderful and incredibly empowering intervention for many and something we should strive to increase access to across the world, but we must not forget that it is not the solution for everyone. We must ensure there are still alternative methods available for those who ASC is not suitable.

  • PPAT clinics in the southern region in Thailand faced challenges during the Covid-19 epidemic, especially when Phuket Province (an island) was under lockdown resulting in women were not able to access safe abortion services. Initially, PPAT partially initiated telemedicine services using available communications tools/channels, such as phone, LINE application and Facebook messenger to provide our clients with access to abortion and contraception services. Subsequently, the telemedicine system was developed further supported by the Global Care project to make it professional, user-friendly, and easily accessible to ensure convenience and prompt service. In the case of pregnancy termination, clients from anywhere in the country could perform a self-administered abortion. Women could have a safe effective abortion done by themselves in the privacy of their own home or private room using medication under the close supervision of PPAT medical and clinical staff. This helps women who live in remote areas, and concern about stigmatization to access the services via telemedicine during the Covid-19 situations and beyond.

  • Self-care is a broad-based concept and can encompass numerous actions that are intended to empower the individual to enhance their own health. According to the WHO, self-care “includes the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.”

    Self-managed abortion refers to a spectrum of practices in which individuals conduct some or all elements related to the abortion process with no or little involvement of health care system. Typically, self-management co-exists with interactions with trained health workers or with a health-care facility. The way abortion is accessed will depend on the values and preferences of the woman, girl or pregnant person, available resources, and the national and local context. A plurality of service-delivery approaches supporting self-managed abortion can co-exist within any given context. Ideally, that is the case to ensure a person-centered abortion care that puts the person undergoing the abortion at the center and adapts care to meet the person’s unique needs and circumstances. It understands the person experiencing the abortion not only as a patient but as a whole person, taking into account their physical, emotional, and social well-being.

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